Introduction » New Arrivals » Schliemann’s Trojan Ceramics and Stone Artefacts in Munich...


Schliemann’s Trojan Ceramics and Stone Artefacts in Munich...

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Product no.: 690
our price without Tax : 99.00 EUR (132.66 USD)
our price including Tax (0 %):
99.00 EUR (132.66 USD)

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Dariusz Maliszewski, Schliemann’s Trojan Ceramics and Stone Artefacts in Munich, Poznań and Wrocław. A Contribution to Bronze Age Anatolian-Aegean Relationships (Mediterranean World Archaeology 2), Warsaw 2016 (29,7 x 21 cm, XII + 404 pages, 349 b&w and 97 colour illustrations,18 tables, 1 map, paperback, ISBN: 978-83-940217-2-6).
